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Yatra for Business: Corporate Travel & Expense di PC

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Mainkan Yatra for Business: Corporate Travel & Expense di PC dengan NoxPlayer


Terakhir update :  2022-05-20        Versi sekarang :
‘’Yatra for Business’’ App is 1st of its kind Mobile travel solution with features tailor made to suit any Business Traveler. With “Yatra for Business”, you can:
- Book flights, hotels etc at specially negotiated rates applicable for your organisation
- Send travel requests to your approver anytime, anywhere. We will notify your approver instantly, so that ticket can be booked immediately and avoid any losses due to price rise/availability change
- As an approver, you can approve or reject your team members’ travel requests by providing appropriate reasons
- Once approved, its a 1 tap booking process as payment can be made from the credit pool of your company or BTA/CTA cards
- Not only this, if allowed, you can make your personal bookings on these special corporate rates!
- You can also drop your request for bus, train, car, insurance, VISA using the app and it will be booked offline

Basis of your company’s arrangement with the Airlines, book your tickets at specially negotiated corporate rates:
- Flight Bookings can be made from anywhere to anywhere, on all domestic and international destinations
- You can book on all airlines- Indigo, Jet Airways, Air India, Go Air, Air Vistara, Air Asia, Spicejet, Emirates, Etihad, Qatar Airways, British Airways, Lufthansa and others
- Book seats in Economy/Business/Premium Economy/First Class

Similarly, book hotel stay at specially negotiated corporate rates:
- Search & book from over 62,000 domestic & 5,00,000 international hotels
- All category of Hotels available - Business, Corporate, Budget, Luxury, Resort and others

Some additional/unique features :
- Choose meal preference and additional baggage
- See detailed fare breakup and the cancellation policy
- Pay using your company’s credit pool or corporate credit card/business travel card/ personal card

Know your company’s travel policy & rules while booking:
- We will apply travel policy limits in the booing flow as set by your company
- Options which are out of bound will be separately highlighted
- You may still go and pick them out of bounds option & submit your request with justification. Then it's up to the approver to accept or reject the request

“My Trips” section:
- Gives you access to all your trips and detailed itinerary for each trip
- It’s from here that you’ll be able to submit your request for modifications & cancellations
- While submitting a request, if you exceed the limit, you’ll have to provide a reason & it'll be shown to the approver. Besides this, the approver will also see how much monetary loss will there be if approver approves the request.

“Requests to Approve”:
- This is where all the travel requests of your team (for whom you’re the approver) will appear for you to approve or reject. You’ll be asked to provide reasons for declining a request
- See all booking details like when, where, who & other custom details needed as per company’s policy

“Others Trips” section:
- If your company allows, you may be able to book tickets for your colleagues & guests
- All the trips where you are not a traveller but the trip request was raised by you on behalf of your colleague/guest; will appear in this section
- This section comes in very handy if your company has a “Travel Arranger” of for that matter, if your trips are booked by someone else.

Behind the scenes (configurations):
This is where your company’s travel department configure all business rules:
- Preferred airlines/hotels, blacklisted airlines/hotels.
- Payment Method: Company’s credit pool & credit cards
- Things like user groups & their policies, approval matrix, allowed products etc are configured
- User types, i.e. Traveller, Travel Arranger, Approver, Administrator & their respective rights are added from here.

To know more about us or to get this Business Travel solution for your organization, please write to us on corpapps@yatra.com or visit us at www.yatra.com/corporatetravel

Bagaimana memainkan Yatra for Business: Corporate Travel & Expense di PC menggunakan NoxPlayer?

  • 1Download NoxPlayer di PC Anda.

  • 2Aktifkan paket instalasi dan selesaikan install nya

  • 3Cari Yatra for Business: Corporate Travel & Expense di NoxPlayer

  • 4Install gamenya di Google Play.

  • 5Klik ikon Game untuk memulai

  • 6Mainkan Yatra for Business: Corporate Travel & Expense dengan NoxPlayer di PC lebih mudah

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Langkah 1. Klik "Download di PC" untuk download NoxPlayer dan apk

Langkah 2. Jika Anda sudah unduh NoxPlayer di PC, klik "Download APK", kemudian seret dan letakkan file ke emulator untuk menginstal.

Video menakjubkan dari Yatra for Business: Corporate Travel & Expense

Ingin menjalankan Yatra for Business: Corporate Travel & Expense dengan pengalaman bermain game yang lebih baik? Dengan keunggulan layar yang lebih besar, keyboard yang lebih cerdas dan stabil, serta kinerja hardware yang lebih unggul, dengan bangga NoxPlayer menciptakan pengalaman bermain game yang ekstrem di PC. Dengan mengunduh dan memainkan Yatra for Business: Corporate Travel & Expense di PC melalui NoxPlayer, pengguna tidak perlu khawatir dengan kapasitas baterai atau gangguan panggilan lainnya.
NoxPlayer kompatibel dengan Android 7 dan mensupport lebih dari 90% game mobile di PC, yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda dengan sempurna. Selain itu, dengan membuka banyak layar instance, Noxplayer mendukung untuk menjalankan beberapa game atau aplikasi secara bersamaan, atau mengobrol dengan teman Anda saat bermain game.
NoxPlayer sangat kompatibel dengan AMD dan Intel dengan teknologi virtualisasi inti eksklusif, membuat komputer Anda berjalan lebih stabil dan lancar. Unduh NoxPlayer dan rasakan pengalaman ekstremnya sekarang!

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