WAMR PC電腦版下載- PC電腦玩手遊 - 夜神手機模擬器


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Download NoxPlayer, mainkan WAMR dengan layar besar - pengalaman main game lebih nyata

Mainkan WAMR di PC dengan NoxPlayer


Terakhir update :  2021-06-08        Versi sekarang :  0.11.1
How annoying it is when your friends delete their messages before you can see them?
The curiosity takes over. You just found the solution: WAMR!

WAMR is the utility you were looking for. With one tool you are able to recover text messages and also any media attachment (pictures, videos, voice notes, audio, animated gifs and stickers)!
Now you can also download Statuses! All with one app!

Messages are encrypted on your device so WAMR can't access them directly.
The only solution available is to read them from the notifications that you receive and create a message backup based on your notification history.
When WAMR will detect that a message as been deleted, it will immediately show you a notification!

WAMR will also try to save any media attached to the message and if the sender deletes it, you will receive a notification.
The following media types can be recovered: pictures, videos, animated gifs, audio, voice notes, documents, stickers.

Please be aware that it doesn't exist an official and supported way to recover deleted messages. This is a workaround and may encounter limitations caused by the selected messaging app or even the Android OS:
1) Text messages are recovered by your notifications, therefore, if you have put a chat on silence, or if you are currently watching a message on the messaging app before it's deleted you will not receive a notification so WAMR can't save it! This also obviously means that is impossible to recover notifications/messages before you downloaded this app (so download it quickly!).

2) If messages aren't being saved, it may be caused by Android killing WAMR. Please remove WAMR from all battery optimization services!

3) WAMR can't save files if they aren't completely downloaded! So if you are offline or you have an unstable connection, or in general if the sender deletes the message containing a media before the messaging app downloads it, WAMR can't do anything to save it.

4) If you aren't using a WiFi connection, some media may not be automatically downloaded by your messaging app because of your settings. You can change this behavior in Messaging app > Settings > Data and storage usage and increase your chances.

Other limitations may be caused by your Android version, or your system language (in particular if it is righttoleft). Please feel free to contact me and submit me any problem so I can try to fix it!

Bagaimana memainkan WAMR di PC menggunakan NoxPlayer?

  • 1Download NoxPlayer di PC Anda.

  • 2Aktifkan paket instalasi dan selesaikan install nya

  • 3Cari WAMR di NoxPlayer

  • 4Install gamenya di Google Play.

  • 5Klik ikon Game untuk memulai

  • 6Mainkan WAMR dengan NoxPlayer di PC lebih mudah

Metode kenyamanan

Langkah 1. Klik "Download di PC" untuk download NoxPlayer dan apk

Langkah 2. Jika Anda sudah unduh NoxPlayer di PC, klik "Download APK", kemudian seret dan letakkan file ke emulator untuk menginstal.

Video menakjubkan dari WAMR

Ingin menjalankan WAMR dengan pengalaman bermain game yang lebih baik? Dengan keunggulan layar yang lebih besar, keyboard yang lebih cerdas dan stabil, serta kinerja hardware yang lebih unggul, dengan bangga NoxPlayer menciptakan pengalaman bermain game yang ekstrem di PC. Dengan mengunduh dan memainkan WAMR di PC melalui NoxPlayer, pengguna tidak perlu khawatir dengan kapasitas baterai atau gangguan panggilan lainnya.
NoxPlayer kompatibel dengan Android 7 dan mensupport lebih dari 90% game mobile di PC, yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda dengan sempurna. Selain itu, dengan membuka banyak layar instance, Noxplayer mendukung untuk menjalankan beberapa game atau aplikasi secara bersamaan, atau mengobrol dengan teman Anda saat bermain game.
NoxPlayer sangat kompatibel dengan AMD dan Intel dengan teknologi virtualisasi inti eksklusif, membuat komputer Anda berjalan lebih stabil dan lancar. Unduh NoxPlayer dan rasakan pengalaman ekstremnya sekarang!

Game populer


NoxPlayer is designed for Windows and MAC OS, please visit this website via computer browser to download NoxPlayer.