Mainkan Magnet Balls: Physics Puzzle di PC dengan NoxPlayer
Magnet Balls a casual puzzle game is here to keep you company on queues and boring, long trips. But don't get lulled into complacency because the laws of physics and the components of magnets also come into play.
This casual puzzle game shoots «three in a row» colored balls in a cluster of other balls. The combos created will help you clear a level and advance you to the next.
All levels start with a cluster of magnetic balls. You can see the next color at the base, and you need to figure out which colors match so you can fire into the cluster of magnetic balls above.
You tap the screen where you want your ball to go and it will aim to go in that direction. You need to make sure that the colors match and connect. You also need to consider how magnetic properties react to being hit so you can anticipate which area to shoot at next.
The points are easy to achieve in the first few stages but would slowly get more difficult as you move on.
The manner in which the magnet balls shift and stick together is great fun and really reveals how precise or more so how real the balls are behaving.
Be warned: it can be very addicting!
Game features:
• Simple to play and fun for all ages!
• Soothing and addictive gameplay with gorgeous visual effects.
• Simple control.
• Special balls to help you pass those tricky levels.
• Possibility to use an accelerometer.
• 3 game modes.
• Hundreds of unique levels with various fun challenges.
This casual puzzle game shoots «three in a row» colored balls in a cluster of other balls. The combos created will help you clear a level and advance you to the next.
All levels start with a cluster of magnetic balls. You can see the next color at the base, and you need to figure out which colors match so you can fire into the cluster of magnetic balls above.
You tap the screen where you want your ball to go and it will aim to go in that direction. You need to make sure that the colors match and connect. You also need to consider how magnetic properties react to being hit so you can anticipate which area to shoot at next.
The points are easy to achieve in the first few stages but would slowly get more difficult as you move on.
The manner in which the magnet balls shift and stick together is great fun and really reveals how precise or more so how real the balls are behaving.
Be warned: it can be very addicting!
Game features:
• Simple to play and fun for all ages!
• Soothing and addictive gameplay with gorgeous visual effects.
• Simple control.
• Special balls to help you pass those tricky levels.
• Possibility to use an accelerometer.
• 3 game modes.
• Hundreds of unique levels with various fun challenges.

NoxPlayer Menyediakan Pengalaman Terbaik Bermain Game untuk Anda
Kustomisasi Game AndaKustomisasi pemetaan kunci. Nikmati game dengan layar yang besar, keyboar, mouse dan gamepad lebih smooth
Game MultipleAnda bisa memainkan beberapa game dalam waktu bersamaan dengan Multi-Drive atau mainkan satu game dengan akun berbeda.
Bagaimana memainkan Magnet Balls: Physics Puzzle di PC menggunakan NoxPlayer?
1Download NoxPlayer di PC Anda.
2Aktifkan paket instalasi dan selesaikan install nya
3Cari Magnet Balls: Physics Puzzle di NoxPlayer
4Install gamenya di Google Play.
5Klik ikon Game untuk memulai
6Mainkan Magnet Balls: Physics Puzzle dengan NoxPlayer di PC lebih mudah
Metode kenyamanan
Langkah 1. Klik "Download di PC" untuk download NoxPlayer dan apk
Langkah 2. Jika Anda sudah unduh NoxPlayer di PC, klik "Download APK", kemudian seret dan letakkan file ke emulator untuk menginstal.
Video menakjubkan dari Magnet Balls: Physics Puzzle
Ingin menjalankan Magnet Balls: Physics Puzzle dengan pengalaman bermain game yang lebih baik? Dengan keunggulan layar yang lebih besar, keyboard yang lebih cerdas dan stabil, serta kinerja hardware yang lebih unggul, dengan bangga NoxPlayer menciptakan pengalaman bermain game yang ekstrem di PC. Dengan mengunduh dan memainkan Magnet Balls: Physics Puzzle di PC melalui NoxPlayer, pengguna tidak perlu khawatir dengan kapasitas baterai atau gangguan panggilan lainnya.
NoxPlayer kompatibel dengan Android 7 dan mensupport lebih dari 90% game mobile di PC, yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda dengan sempurna. Selain itu, dengan membuka banyak layar instance, Noxplayer mendukung untuk menjalankan beberapa game atau aplikasi secara bersamaan, atau mengobrol dengan teman Anda saat bermain game.
NoxPlayer sangat kompatibel dengan AMD dan Intel dengan teknologi virtualisasi inti eksklusif, membuat komputer Anda berjalan lebih stabil dan lancar. Unduh NoxPlayer dan rasakan pengalaman ekstremnya sekarang!
NoxPlayer kompatibel dengan Android 7 dan mensupport lebih dari 90% game mobile di PC, yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda dengan sempurna. Selain itu, dengan membuka banyak layar instance, Noxplayer mendukung untuk menjalankan beberapa game atau aplikasi secara bersamaan, atau mengobrol dengan teman Anda saat bermain game.
NoxPlayer sangat kompatibel dengan AMD dan Intel dengan teknologi virtualisasi inti eksklusif, membuat komputer Anda berjalan lebih stabil dan lancar. Unduh NoxPlayer dan rasakan pengalaman ekstremnya sekarang!
Game populer
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