Mainkan Choice of Rebels: Uprising di PC dengan NoxPlayer
Lead the revolt against a bloodthirsty empire! You grew up under the iron fist of the Hegemony. Now is your chance to end their blood-fueled magic, as you forge a ragtag outlaw band into a rebel army.
"Choice of Rebels: Uprising" is a 637,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Joel Havenstone, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
As an outlaw rebel in the greenwood wilderness, you must steal to survive your first brutal winter, or watch your people starve if you can't feed them. Win yeomen, helots, merchants, priests, and aristocrats over to the rebel cause...or turn them into your worst enemies. Will you defeat the army of the Hegemony’s Archon and the elite force of evil blood mages sent to destroy you, or will a personal betrayal put an end to your rebellion when it’s just barely begun?
• Play as male or female, gay, straight, or ace
• Fight as a renegade aristocrat or defiant slave
• Lead your outlaw band as a self-taught mage, a general, or a mystic priest
• Reform the empire’s religion or start your own
• Master the arcane magic of Theurgy and demolish the blood harvesters of the Hegemony
• Find romance amongst your fellow young rebels
• Root out spies, betrayers, and fend off a mutiny
• Survive attacks from assassins, mages, and the mutant Plektoi hounds
Will you gain a reputation as a compassionate idealist or ruthless insurgent? Can your rebels survive the winter and a vengeful army?
How much will you sacrifice to rebel, and save your homeland from an oppressive empire?
"Choice of Rebels: Uprising" is a 637,000 word interactive fantasy novel by Joel Havenstone, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
As an outlaw rebel in the greenwood wilderness, you must steal to survive your first brutal winter, or watch your people starve if you can't feed them. Win yeomen, helots, merchants, priests, and aristocrats over to the rebel cause...or turn them into your worst enemies. Will you defeat the army of the Hegemony’s Archon and the elite force of evil blood mages sent to destroy you, or will a personal betrayal put an end to your rebellion when it’s just barely begun?
• Play as male or female, gay, straight, or ace
• Fight as a renegade aristocrat or defiant slave
• Lead your outlaw band as a self-taught mage, a general, or a mystic priest
• Reform the empire’s religion or start your own
• Master the arcane magic of Theurgy and demolish the blood harvesters of the Hegemony
• Find romance amongst your fellow young rebels
• Root out spies, betrayers, and fend off a mutiny
• Survive attacks from assassins, mages, and the mutant Plektoi hounds
Will you gain a reputation as a compassionate idealist or ruthless insurgent? Can your rebels survive the winter and a vengeful army?
How much will you sacrifice to rebel, and save your homeland from an oppressive empire?
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Bagaimana memainkan Choice of Rebels: Uprising di PC menggunakan NoxPlayer?
1Download NoxPlayer di PC Anda.
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3Cari Choice of Rebels: Uprising di NoxPlayer
4Install gamenya di Google Play.
5Klik ikon Game untuk memulai
6Mainkan Choice of Rebels: Uprising dengan NoxPlayer di PC lebih mudah
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Langkah 1. Klik "Download di PC" untuk download NoxPlayer dan apk
Langkah 2. Jika Anda sudah unduh NoxPlayer di PC, klik "Download APK", kemudian seret dan letakkan file ke emulator untuk menginstal.
Video menakjubkan dari Choice of Rebels: Uprising
Ingin menjalankan Choice of Rebels: Uprising dengan pengalaman bermain game yang lebih baik? Dengan keunggulan layar yang lebih besar, keyboard yang lebih cerdas dan stabil, serta kinerja hardware yang lebih unggul, dengan bangga NoxPlayer menciptakan pengalaman bermain game yang ekstrem di PC. Dengan mengunduh dan memainkan Choice of Rebels: Uprising di PC melalui NoxPlayer, pengguna tidak perlu khawatir dengan kapasitas baterai atau gangguan panggilan lainnya.
NoxPlayer kompatibel dengan Android 7 dan mensupport lebih dari 90% game mobile di PC, yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda dengan sempurna. Selain itu, dengan membuka banyak layar instance, Noxplayer mendukung untuk menjalankan beberapa game atau aplikasi secara bersamaan, atau mengobrol dengan teman Anda saat bermain game.
NoxPlayer sangat kompatibel dengan AMD dan Intel dengan teknologi virtualisasi inti eksklusif, membuat komputer Anda berjalan lebih stabil dan lancar. Unduh NoxPlayer dan rasakan pengalaman ekstremnya sekarang!
NoxPlayer kompatibel dengan Android 7 dan mensupport lebih dari 90% game mobile di PC, yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda dengan sempurna. Selain itu, dengan membuka banyak layar instance, Noxplayer mendukung untuk menjalankan beberapa game atau aplikasi secara bersamaan, atau mengobrol dengan teman Anda saat bermain game.
NoxPlayer sangat kompatibel dengan AMD dan Intel dengan teknologi virtualisasi inti eksklusif, membuat komputer Anda berjalan lebih stabil dan lancar. Unduh NoxPlayer dan rasakan pengalaman ekstremnya sekarang!
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