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Rocket League Sideswipe di PC

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Mainkan Rocket League Sideswipe di PC dengan NoxPlayer


Terakhir update :  2022-01-10        Versi sekarang :  1.0
From the makers of Rocket League, car soccer has been reimagined for mobile devices! Get in the game with the intuitive touch controls. It's as simple as putting the ball in your opponent's net, but watch out! Your opponent will try to score too. Hit your boost to go faster, or use it to get off the ground and into the air to pull off some siiiick maneuvers in the air leaving your opponent in awe.

Matches are just two minutes, making Rocket League Sideswipe easy to pick up and play no matter where you are. Good luck!

Fastpaced, easytolearn gameplay
Face off in 1v1 or 2v2 gameplay! Rocket League Sideswipe is easy to pick up and play from anywhere! It doesn't matter if you're a veteran of Rocket League or just learning your way around the pitch.

Compete Online
Enjoy Private Matches with friends, or play Competitive Matches online with players around the world! Climb your way up the Competitive Ranks, and even crack the worldwide leaderboard.

Rocket Pass and Seasons
Unlock items in the Rocket Pass just by playing Online Matches. Look out for new Rocket Pass items each Season. Rocket League Sideswipe also features Competitive Seasons. Climb as high as you can in Competitive modes each season and earn Player Titles based on your Rank once the Season ends.

Make your car your own
Unlock new customization items for your car just by playing! Rocket League Sideswipe features thousands of customization combinations with items like cars, wheels, decals, and more. Make a statement as soon as you hit the pitch.

Modes and more!
In addition to 1v1 and 2v2 modes in soccar (soccer with cars) check out Hoops mode. Communicate with your teammates and opponent with Quick Chat Stickers! Plus, hone your skills in freeplay, offline matches, and tutorials!

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Bagaimana memainkan Rocket League Sideswipe di PC menggunakan NoxPlayer?

  • 1Download NoxPlayer di PC Anda.

  • 2Aktifkan paket instalasi dan selesaikan install nya

  • 3Cari Rocket League Sideswipe di NoxPlayer

  • 4Install gamenya di Google Play.

  • 5Klik ikon Game untuk memulai

  • 6Mainkan Rocket League Sideswipe dengan NoxPlayer di PC lebih mudah

Metode kenyamanan

Langkah 1. Klik "Download di PC" untuk download NoxPlayer dan apk

Langkah 2. Jika Anda sudah unduh NoxPlayer di PC, klik "Download APK", kemudian seret dan letakkan file ke emulator untuk menginstal.

Video menakjubkan dari Rocket League Sideswipe

Ingin menjalankan Rocket League Sideswipe dengan pengalaman bermain game yang lebih baik? Dengan keunggulan layar yang lebih besar, keyboard yang lebih cerdas dan stabil, serta kinerja hardware yang lebih unggul, dengan bangga NoxPlayer menciptakan pengalaman bermain game yang ekstrem di PC. Dengan mengunduh dan memainkan Rocket League Sideswipe di PC melalui NoxPlayer, pengguna tidak perlu khawatir dengan kapasitas baterai atau gangguan panggilan lainnya.
NoxPlayer kompatibel dengan Android 7 dan mensupport lebih dari 90% game mobile di PC, yang akan meningkatkan pengalaman bermain game Anda dengan sempurna. Selain itu, dengan membuka banyak layar instance, Noxplayer mendukung untuk menjalankan beberapa game atau aplikasi secara bersamaan, atau mengobrol dengan teman Anda saat bermain game.
NoxPlayer sangat kompatibel dengan AMD dan Intel dengan teknologi virtualisasi inti eksklusif, membuat komputer Anda berjalan lebih stabil dan lancar. Unduh NoxPlayer dan rasakan pengalaman ekstremnya sekarang!

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NoxPlayer is designed for Windows and MAC OS, please visit this website via computer browser to download NoxPlayer.